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First Fruit Offering Closing

Writer's picture: Omarious FannOmarious Fann

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10 NIV

Tune Every Tuesday night in March for the next lesson on the 'First Fruits Offering' Dial 712.770.4010 with Access Code 824311# at 6pm CST | 7pm EST Click Here to listen to the audio from the lesson three


Well here we are, the fourth and final lesson of the First Fruit offering series. First allow me to say thank you for giving me this opportunity to teach you how to transition from season to season with prosperity. I pray that this series helped you and that you will pass it along to bless someone else. Nevertheless, let's get to work with part four. Now over the course of the month we studied the origin of honoring God with our first portions. We discuss the purpose of this pregnant principle. We talked about how giving God came into existence with Cain and Abel giving from appreciation then how Abraham gave out of revelation and testing. Then we even went further to discovered the blessing that come from obeying this piece of wisdom. Therefore in our closing lesson I want to review the series, slightly, and expound on one example of how honoring God with your first can keep you from seeing your last.

So we started with our series with the foundational scripture of Proverbs 3:9-10 "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." Because in the beginning of the year God told me, "son, in order to gain prosperity in 2017, my people must follow my principles of wisdom such as Proverbs 3:9." However, after coming into a new year with the same seasonal situations and uncommon conditions we realize in the wake of spring in order to get to the next season of our life, we must pass the test of this season. You can't go to 7th grade without passing the test or having the proven fruit/knowledge of the 6th grade.Therefore we started looking into how to properly honor God with our wealth and the first fruit of our crop. And in order to proper understand why God gave us this principle, we travel back to the origin of giving Genesis 4:2-5. In this portion of our lesson we seen that Cain, well more so Abel honored God with the first born of his harvest as well as the fat portions thereof. As a result, God approved Abel's offering and showed more favour on Abel, not because he gave but as a result of the essence of his gift. Not only did he give the first but he gave the fat, which means the extra. Now because burnt offerings were not commanded in this time, we realize Cain and Abel gave out of their appreciation of the harvest that God had given them. Many of us give because we want something from God. But the first thing about the first fruit is it's given in appreciation of what God has already done, not in expectation of what you want him to do.

After thoroughly discussing the origin of the first givers, we studied into Abram; who gave a tenth of all his possessions gain in war to the priest of God, Melchizedek. In Genesis 14:18-22, we see a man honoring God by giving to the man of God. Remember now at this time, giving God a tenth, tithe, or burnt offering; still was not legislated. Therefore, the question was raised. Why is Abraham tithing to Melchizedek and is tithe and first fruit different. And we found out Abram gave as a result of the revelation He gained from the Man of God. Our pretext tells us that Abram finds out his nephew Lot was taken captive in a war between several kings. However, God gave Abram courage along with 300 men in his house to defeat his enemies and win his families freedom. After winning this battle he encounter the High Priest. Melchizedek then feeds Abraham physically and speaks a word of revelation and confirmation to him. Melchizedek blesses Abram using the same words publicly that Abram used privately. Which let's us know Melchizedek was prophetic. Abraham had made a vow privately but the Man of God confirmed that which was spoken. Which is why after Abram wins the battle, he sees Melchizedek. Melchizedek blessed him with food, drink, and a prophetic word, Abraham then turns and willingly gives him a tenth of his possessions. What separates the tithe from the first fruit is, at this point tithing still isn't legislated. Which mean this isn't a burnt offering, like Cain and Abel or any other sacrifice Abram has made. This is what I would call a love, peace or fellowship offering. (Lev. 3) Abraham didn't have to give Melchizedek anything. But because he came to the revelation of Melchizedek being a Man of God, revealing and confirm by giving him a word from God - he gave a first fruit offering. Which lead me to say as we learn in the second lesson and my second point about the first fruit is while tithe is legislated for the temple, the first fruit is a willing sacrifice offered to the person speaking into your life.

Now I pray this is helping you because after this message, I am going to challenge you to give a first fruit offering. Nevertheless, in our third lesson we now look at Abraham in the 22nd chapter of Genesis. (Gen 22:2, 5-7) We see him at a point in life where he now has grown big through fighting kings, gains back Lot and even having two sons. Ishmael and Isaac. However, Ishmael was disowned and dismissed as a result of Sarah dislike of Haggai. Sarah was the wife, Haggai is the maid servant that Sarah gave Abraham permission to sleep with. Be care where you plant your seeds. We learn in the earlier lesson - everything we reap is a harvest of a seed once sown in your life. For the bible say in Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall be also reap. So everything is that we are going through or trying to get to must be the product of something that we give. There has to be a season of plant then reap. Nevertheless, Abraham is in a season where he has done all these things and is walking in the manifest of the word spoken of his Life but he want more. He wanted a new season. So God calls him to be tested in Genesis 22 telling him to give Isaac - his only son, sacrificing him as a burnt offerings. Remember burnt offerings still had not been legislated or fully introduced. So God was basically challenging Abraham to give his first born, the beloved as a consistent covenant that will not break. I want to stop and minister to you - to let you know every sacrifice God ask for isn't Him; sometime God challenges you for you. Don't think it wasn't hard for Abraham, emotionally and mentally, to give Isaac. However, because he had to disown and dismiss on son unwillingly, he now knows the price of now obeying God. So he grows to a point where he now has to trust God. Which is all God wants. Anyway Abraham goes up the mountain and swiping the card to sacrifice Isaac. (Lol) Then an voice from Heaven spoke stop this transaction. And in the middle of sacrificing, God said because you were willing to give this harvest a sacrifice, meaning he must have learned. "I rather make a sacrifice for God than having to sacrifice for someone else." Nevertheless, the angel says to Abraham because you have accepted and obeyed the challenge of God, instead of sacrificing your own, I'm giving you a ram hidden in the bush to sacrifice. In modern terms, "here's a gift card instead of your own card to use to bless me." Why God? Just because accepting the challenge alone means you're willing to do the extra mile in sacrificing for the next level or the desired result. So because Abraham learned of the principle God spoke a bless on him that ran onto Isaac. Even to the point where in Genesis 26 Isaac obeyed God, sowed in a famine and reap a fruitful in the same year. So might I suggest as the third point in the lesson is "every seed has a harvest but not every harvest is fruitful. It's the job of the first fruit offering to ensure the harvest is fruitful."

Lastly, in closing of this lesson and series we look at 1 Kings 17:8 where speaks to Elijah the prophet to go into the land of Zarephath for a woman has been command to feed him. First thing you must know about this portion of the lesson is, there is still a famine going on but notice we are in the book of Kings which talks of a time after legislation of the different types if giving that found in Leviticus 1-6. So I want to suggest this woman probably has been barely giving are tenth, and she is even in such a financial crisis she knows her and her son are about to die. Elijah go to Zarephath sees this woman and asked for a drink of water. The lady agrees to get the water but then he says "feed me, bring me some bread." I want to stop and raise a question, how did Elijah know that she was the one commanded. Can I suggest God commanded us all to be a blessings to the men and women of God. However, this lady says 'hey man, I don't got it. I'm down to my last. I done ate all I had, now I only have a jar of flour and a little oil in a jug. I'm picking up sticks to make a fire to cook my son and I, our last meal then we're going to die." Isn't that just like an immature saint. You got the time, the talent, the fire but don't trust God to give it back. Yet we trust our job. We put in 40 hours of talent and time making a fire to trust them to give us enough to eat tomorrow but when truth be told you only make enough to eat for a week. But God is saying give me some, honor me first and i'll make you eat for a lifetime. The prophet, Elijah says... Okay okay I understand all that. Go do as you planned, but if you would first trust God then try God you'll never see your last. The prophet basically tells her even though you have already given out all you can give and down to your last dime if you would learn to put me God first before you eat it yourself, you won't go hungry. I know you gave me a tenth already, but honor me first before your time is done. So the woman goes to the make a fire and cooks the bread. She obeys the prophet giving him the first piece of bread to feed and because of her following this principle her jar and jug never runs out. Therefore my concluding point on the first fruit offering is "it's not for God, like over offerings. It's for you, a test of trust and elevation, to see if you yield the fruit, or in other words passed the test, in order to be declared in a new season. Amen?

Tune Every Tuesday night in March for the next lesson on the 'First Fruits Offering' Dial 712.770.4010 with Access Code 824311# at 6pm CST | 7pm EST Click Here to listen to the audio from the lesson three


Amen, wow that was wonderful. I pray this lesson and series blessed your life as much as it as touched mine. God showed me more about this first fruit thing now than when I first learned in sitting under my pastor. On the other name that's the point of studying. As a preach "don't study to teach, study to be taught." Therefore this lesson has taught even me a lot. So listen beloved, I want to challenge you to give a First Fruit offering now. You now have access to the full teaching. And I understand this sometimes seems like a waste of time and money. However, I want to assure you - it is not. God told Abraham, I will give you many of children and make your offspring numerous but Abraham laughed thinking it wasn't possible because his wife could not conceive. (Her ground/womb could not produce at that time.) Eventually after scattering so many seeds, He was finally able to deposit seed into her and she conceived. After that he reaps a harvest, Isaac. Isaac grows and develops for a season or two. Then God says go give me your best fruit. Give me the first fruit of the harvest you received in the latter season. "Your first fruit offering is not your tithe nor your burnt offering. Your first fruit is a portion back to God in appreciation for the Harvest that you brought in." Your tithes are owed to God, your monthly partnership maybe owed to God, but your first fruit is something that you offer back in return for a fruitful harvest. Sometimes, we sow a gift for a harvest (new job) but then we neglect to give the first fruit (a token of honor or appreciation) back to God for his blessing. Therefore I am challenging you to be a doer and not just a hearer of the Word. As you walk into a new season by discovering this prophet and this revelation, give a first fruit in honor of the things God has done and us about to do.

Click on the giving link now sow your First Fruit.


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